As a result of the intensive work of the Turkish Development Branch for more than 10 years; ICS Turkey Branch was inaugurated in the Controlling Council meeting held in London on December 2nd, 2022.
As the Members and Fellows residing in Turkey, we are endeavoring our best to maintain and increase the standards of shipping business, locally and globally.
ICS exams are taking place in Istanbul whenever there is sufficient demand and education program is delivered both to graduates and shipping professionals.
** Mr Sorochenkov FICS is a member of "ICS Membership Committee"
We are organizing open-house and members-only events including seminars, workshops and social gatherings. Please refer to our website and social media accounts for the announcements.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact as and one of us will be happy to assist.
Ismail Sahin FICS
Serhan Ozcan FICS
Roman Sorochenkov FICS **
Gokalp Tahmaz FICS
Bénédicte Ple Dalokay MICS
Ozdek Ariner Tosun FICS
Ercan Horos FICS
Merve Kalkavan De Souza MICS
Dr. Mehmet Doymus MICS
Dr. Ergun Gunes FICS